Lawn Mowing & Edging

Lawn mowing and Edging are two important tasks for maintaining a healthy and attractive lawn. 

Mowing involves cutting the grass to a specific height using a lawn mower, while edging involves cutting a crisp edge along the border of the lawn to give it a neat and defined appearance.

When mowing, it is important to use a mower that is appropriate for the size of your lawn and the type of grass you have. The general rule of thumb is to cut no more than one-third of the grass blade height at a time, as cutting too much at once can stress the grass and make it more susceptible to disease. It is recommended to mow at the right height for your grass type to maintain its health and green appearance.

Edging is done using an edging tool, such as a whipper-snipper or a powered edger. The goal is to create a sharp line between the lawn and any adjacent surfaces, such as a driveway or sidewalk. Proper edging techniques can make an enormous difference in the overall appearance of your lawn.

Depending on the type of grass you have, will affect its growth habit and how often it needs mowing.

It is good to mow and edge the lawn regularly, such as once a week during the growing season or less frequently during the dormant season. 

If your lawn is being taken care of and is healthy, it is better for it to be mowed and edged less frequently but with a higher blade height. This allows the grass to develop a deeper root system and increase the health of the lawn overall.

You should consider mowing and edging your lawn on a regular basis to keep it looking neat and tidy all season. 

With regular care, your lawn will be green, lush, and healthy.

The AAA Difference

AAA is made up of passionate lawn care professionals with a decade of experience behind us.

Your lawn plays an essential role in the exterior beauty of your home, so its maintenance is important. Whether it’s weekly, fortnightly, monthly or once-off lawn mowing that you require, you will receive our outstanding level of service. 

Perhaps it’s just some interim maintenance while you’re away on holidays, or a more regular program tailored to your needs, our team is all fully trained, insured, and police-checked… so your lawn and your property are in safe hands.

AAA can also provide advice and assistance for longer-term, seasonal lawn care including weeding and pest-control, fertilizing, soil management, aeration, coring, turf laying, and repair.


You will see the difference that a professional lawn cut provides with expert trimming and edging of the entire lawn area, around trees, and garden features.

For larger properties, AAA offers ride-on lawn mowing services and grass slashing for rural and industrial areas.

You know that feeling when you look out the window and see an overgrown lawn that resembles a jungle… it’s enough to make you close the curtain and walk away. 

Not anymore… consider your long lawns as our opportunity to transform!

The Killer Haircut

After the ultimate lawn care and mowing secret? It comes down to simply one thing:

Keep the Grass Long – and Cut Often!

In nature, grazing animals tend to only eat the tips of grass, so naturally, that’s what grass is used to. Over-cutting, like over-grazing, can actually be a hindrance to the growth of your grass. It can put your lawn under extreme stress, and over-cut grass will encourage bare patches where weeds will grow instead.

Longer grass promotes better root development, shades the ground, reduces evaporation, and blocks the sun that weed seeds require to germinate.

Ultimately, grass that is mowed and fertilized often, and watered properly will produce a healthier lawn with fewer weeds and problems – that’s a definite win-win for you and your lawn!

Don’t cut too low! You’re looking to make sure that only one-third of the grass is removed each time you mow. As the grass lapses into winter dormancy, the interval between cuts can be extended, but stick to the ‘one-third-off’ rule.

If the grass is too long at the next cut and you remove more than a third, the amount of green foliage that photosynthesises plant food is severely reduced. During winter, when there are fewer sunlight hours, the plant is unable to cope and the turf suffers.

If you cut too low and all the green growth is removed, the lawn has an overall yellow appearance and becomes dramatically stressed. It finds it difficult to cope with low overnight ground temperatures and the grass in its weakened state also becomes susceptible to attack by various diseases.

Setting the mowing height higher to compensate for infrequent mowing results in spongy or thatching of the turf which will require later require scarifying – best to avoid this.

Different types of grasses should also be cut at different heights. Lawn care should not be equated to rotary mowing of a green patch as low and as infrequently as possible.

And, of course, if you don’t like mowing, or you don’t have the time, or you don’t know what might be wrong with your lawn or what to do, then the simplest solution is to let AAA Lawn Services look after your lawn for you!