AAA Lawn Care Programs

A well-maintained lawn can add beauty and value to any property, but it takes regular care and attention to keep it looking its best. 

One effective way to care for a lawn is to implement a regular fertilising program, along with regular mowing and edging.

A lawn can mean different things to different people. It may be a showpiece for your property, a foil for flowering shrubs and annuals, a piece of grass on which to sit, an area for children’s play, or just something to keep down the dust. 

Whatever your lawn means to you, maintenance is the key to lush lawn all year around. 

We offer a range of Personalised Lawn Care Programs

Our dedicated turf management team is headed up by highly experienced individuals with many years of industry experience.
We deliver consistent and flexible lawn programs tailored to our client’s needs.

This approach ensures our clients are utilizing their lawns to maintain them to the fullest and in turn are getting the best results possible.

Our Lawn Care Programs Include:

AAA Green Keeper

AAA Green Keeper is an all-inclusive plan that allows us to provide all the services needed to maintain the best standard of lawn care.

  • 26 Professional Mowing & Edging Services
  • Complete Annual Fertilisation Program
  • Complete Annual Weed Control Program
  • 2 Aeration Services
  • Intermediate Annual Pest & Disease Treatment Plan
  • Soil Amendment Applications
  • 1 Insect Prevention Service

Transform your lawn into a standout feature that attracts attention and admiration from passers-by and visitors.

Quick and noticeable improvements through consistent, high-quality services such as soil enhancement, fertilisation, and weed management.

Tackle even the most challenging lawn issues with the help of experienced gardeners.

Experience a stunning lawn without any effort on your part.

AAA Essentials Plus

AAA Essentials Plus is the highest standard of pre-arranged scheduled lawn mowing, edging and granular fertilisation all year round.

  • 26 Professional Mowing & Edging Services
  • Intermediate Annual Fertilisation Program
  • Intermediate Annual Weed Control Program
  • 1 Aeration Service
  • 1 Insect Prevention Service

Achieve a lawn like never before with comprehensive services elevated to new heights.

Outperform basic mowing services and enjoy a lush, vibrant lawn all year long with minimal weeds.

Enhanced resistance to hot weather conditions.

Note that while results take longer to achieve compared to higher packages, they are still faster and longer-lasting than the standard package.

However, this package may make some persistent weeds harder to fully control.

AAA Essentials

AAA Essentials is the highest standard of pre-arranged scheduled lawn mowing and edging.

  • 26 Professional Mowing & Edging Services
  • Simple Fertilisation & Weed Control Program
  • 1 Aeration Service

Basic lawn care needs will be met, leading to an improved appearance in spring and autumn.

Gradual enhancement of the lawn’s ability to withstand hot weather.

Observe a decrease in weeds, particularly during winter.


Fertilising is the process of applying nutrients to the soil to promote healthy grass growth. There are two main types of fertilisers: liquid and granular, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Liquid fertilisers are applied using a sprayer and are typically composed of a mixture of water and dissolved nutrients. The main advantage of liquid fertilisers is that they can be easily absorbed by the grass, which means that they can start working quickly. However, they are also more expensive than granular fertilisers and need to be applied more frequently.

Granular fertilisers, on the other hand, are applied using a spreader and are composed of small pellets of dry, concentrated nutrients. The main advantage of granular fertilisers is that they are less expensive than liquid fertilisers and they last longer. It is also less likely to evaporate or wash off, and the amount of fertiliser applied per area can be easily controlled. However, the nutrients in granular fertilisers take longer to be absorbed by the grass, which means that they may not provide immediate results.

To get the best results, we recommend using a combination of both liquid and granular fertilizers. The liquid fertilisers should be used during the growing season when the grass needs immediate nutrients, and the granular fertilisers should be used as a slow release during the dormant season to maintain the health and prepare the lawn for the next growing season.

Mowing & Edging

Regular mowing and edging are also essential elements of our lawn care programs. Mowing helps to keep the grass at a consistent height and to remove any dead or damaged blades, while edging helps to create a crisp and defined border between the lawn and any adjacent surfaces, like a driveway or sidewalk. 

When mowing, it is important to cut no more than one-third of the grass blade at a time to avoid stressing the grass. 

Edging will be done using an edging tool, such as a whipper snipper or a powered edger, to create a sharp line between the lawn and the adjacent surfaces.

Lawn care programmes with regular liquid and granular fertilising, regular mowing, and edging are effective ways to keep a lawn healthy and attractive. We customise a fertilisation programme and schedule the treatments at the right time of the year. Mowing and edging should be done regularly to keep the grass at a consistent height and to maintain a crisp and defined edge around the lawn. 

You can keep your lawn lush, green, and healthy all year by following our personalised lawn care programs

Keep Your Lawn Lush, Green and Healthy all year

How do we help?

We regulate your fertilising rates and are aware to do this according to growth and seasons.

Your lawn growth is only capable of certain levels of nutrients and over application can result in unnatural or unhealthy growth that will only result in more management.

Likewise, in cooler conditions fertiliser is far less volatile and will remain in your soil far longer than it will in the warmer seasons.

During warm-season lawn dormancy (even cool season varieties at times) with cold soil temps, we limit granular fertilisation or suspend it.

Your lawn’s root system has all but shutdown, leading to surplus nitrogen and nutrients in your soil. With possible water logging, this provides the perfect environment to breed pathogens leading to disease at the time but also when conditions warm in spring.  Plus, development of algae and other issues making an unsightly lawn.

If you want to go further and achieve the perfection of a velvety smooth, immaculate lawn, you will need to put in a great deal of time and effort.

Hollow tine aeration (coring) allows oxygen, water and nutrients to more freely penetrate the soil and root system of the plant. This is achieved by running a tractor mounted aerator over the surface.

The machine punches holes into the area at a specified depth and width, removing small plugs of the profile.

If a profile is particuarly poor, or if the main problem is a soil compaction issue, solid tinning may be suggested.

A major issue with lots of lawns is the build-up of a thatch layer. This can hinder cutting heights and inhibit the standard of sports turf – affecting both playability and safety.

The build-up of thatch can also disrupt the flow of nutrients, oxygen and water into the ground and can become a breeding ground for pests and diseasess.

Thatch can be removed through the process of scarification where machine-mounted vertical blades are run through the surface, lifting and removing thatch from the area.

Top dressing is an extremely useful tool in the preparation of lawns. The process can be performed after hollow time aeration to replace the removed profile. 

This would ideally be performed heavily in the Spring and at lighter rates through Summer and Autumn to aid in thatch reduction and provide a smooth and even surface.

We can design spray programs for insects and fungal disease at the appropriate times of year.

Having a great looking lawn that is green and lush is easier than you think.